First Success with my Witch Runes

Good evening, dear reader(s),

I, as a newbie pagan eclectic witch, have been experimenting with different sorts of divination. While the pendulum is all nice and dandy to communicate with my gods and goddesses, my witch runes are great at providing some success. Thanks to their little help, I finally got my first job.

Though I had to give it  a few tries, before it worked. The first time I asked, it looked promising. I got the Flight Rune (which will be explained a little later). At that time, I was already applying for a summer job. However, the second time I asked, I got the Crossroad Rune, a sign for major life decisions, the unknown, being stuck and afraid of moving forward. Well, I got the bad news that I wouldn’t be able to work at that specific (and pretty well-paid) job after all. Needless to say, I was disappointed.

The second time, they straight out refused to show me anything. All I got to look at were their bare backs. Not too great, either. So I waited for another week before asking them again. So I lighted my candles, burned some incense and asked them the same question again. The results were promising.

Bildergebnis für witch runes meanings
picture by The Norse Wind

There was the Flight Rune; a sign for movement, communication, networking, travels, etc. Plus, there was the Man Rune; a sign for action, confidence and protection, among others. So, I interpreted the signs as something positive coming up. Something to do with communication, a probably busy job. I uploaded my CV on a job site and it didn’t take three days before I got an offer.  Interestingly, I interpreted the Man Rune also as someone maybe giving me some fatherly advice or simply a man getting in touch, since it also stands for any male characteristic. I was right. A young man called me and asked if I was still interested in the job offer. And now, I will start work as a concierge in August!

Now, I’ll be off burning some incense and playing some lovely music to thank my dear gods and goddesses for their help and guidance.




2nd Semester, Meditation,Pendulum & Beliefs

Good morning, dear reader(s),

With my last exam finally written on Monday, I have now a week ahead to focus on other things, which mainly consist of getting all the books for my main module about 20th-century literature. From what the list tells me, it is going to be a lot of poetry, such as Sylvia Plath, Thomas Hardy and T.S Eliot, just to name a few. As for novels, there are D.H Lawrence’s Women in Love, Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, Huxley’s Brave New World (can’t wait to read that one! It has always been on my list.) Greene’s The Heart of the Matter and Margaret Atwood’s The Robber Bride. As you can see, it is quite a variety. Now, I’m just waiting for all these books to arrive.

While waiting and still having another week of nothing happening, I have decided to embrace my Pagan/Wiccan beliefs. For years, I have always believed in something bigger out there, which is not necessarily God, but more of an universal Force/Energy. Plus, I feel the need to reconnect with nature again in one way or another. I guess I would fall under the Solitary Eclectic Practitioner, since it is a mashup of everything. My pantheon is made up from Egyptian Gods/ Goddesses (Thoth, Seshat, Nut, Geb) and Celtic Gods/Goddesses (Brighid, Blodeuwedd, Lugh, Cernunnos, Macha). Now, I don’t have the space to practice any spells, nor do I know if I have to do it. I don’t even have a proper space to create an altar. (It is on my list, though. I mean, Imbolc is coming up soon and some lovely flowers wouldn’t do my room any harm anyways.) The only thing I have the space for is Meditation and Dowsing.

I try to contact my Gods and Goddesses by meditating daily. As soon as my pendulum arrives, I will even try to reach out for them by dowsing. Being far away from home, I can use every support I can get, be it from friends or Higher Beings. Plus, since I am currently studying in Ireland, it is easier for me to reach out to the Celtic pantheon.I am yet to work on my own rituals for the Celtic Gods/Goddesses.

Now for my two Egyptian ones, reaching out to them is easier in a daily short ritual. Thoth and Seshat are both linked to wisdom, writing and truth. So, in the act of writing, I am honoring Thoth and while reading, I am honoring Seshat and her eternal library. (And as an English major, both can come in handy.) I wish I could burn incense or some lovely smelling oils, but I am not allowed to do so in my accommodation. However, I’ll do that as soon as I am back home again.

I might do another post about the Gods and Goddesses mentioned above. They are, after all, very interesting.

That’s it for now.